This video will hand hold you in becoming a Wildlife Photographer! In this video, you will learn the key to take a sharp image and a perfect shot!
Prerequisite Learning:
How to start wildlife photography?
3Pillars of wildlife photography?
What is Aperture?
What is ISO?
What is Shutter Speed?
I am going to explain you the 3 Pillars of Wildlife Photography – ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed.
Do you face any of these issues? then this video will fix these for you.
My photos are not creative!
My photos are not sharp!
My photos are blurred!
My photos are noisy / grainy!
My photos are dark!
My photos are washed out!
My photos are not looking good!
My photos does not look like lively!
My photos are boring!
My photos lack that wow factor!

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Video Transcript:
Hello everyone. Welcome back to wild photography.
Today is the last video within the series three pillars of photography. You are going to learn about the 3 key levers: ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

Prerequisite Learning
There are few prerequisites for this video, they are:
- How to start wildlife photography
- The introduction to three pillars of photography
- What is ISO, what is a aperture
- What is shutter speed.
I’ve given the links to this videos down in the description of this video. Please go watch them and then come back and watch this video so, that you will get a continuity of the topic.

Only Way To Take A Perfect Shot
I want to just restate this, the only way to take a perfect shot is:
Right combination of aperture, shutter speed and ISO, with a perfect focusing technique and exposure would result in a “perfect shot”.
Nothing can match a perfectly taken shot ,so you need to learn the nuances of aperture, shutter speed and ISO and very importantly the impact of each one of them on other to effectively use them to take that perfect shot.

3 KEY Levers-ISO Shutter Speed & Aperture
What we’re going to see in this video is :
- What is ISO
- What is Aperture
- What is Shutter Speed.
The crucial part here is each one of this acts like in lever and not just that, when you control that lever it has an impact on the other two. It is very very important that you understand when I change one what is that impact on the other two watch that, you effectively control these three levers within the photography to take that perfect shot. Let’s go and find out when I change one lever what is the impact on the other two.

3 KEY Levers-ISO Shutter Speed & Aperture
The only difference here is: I have mentioned the aperture as F value, because sometime it will be misleading when I’m saying increase aperture or lower aperture, it may be little confusing so, when I say F value it is very clear. When I say increase that means you’re increasing the F value, when I say decrease you’re decreasing the F value. That’s the only change so, we have F value, ISO and shutter speed.
- The first scenario on instances when you need to increase your F value meaning you are increasing your depth of field. This could be instances where there are three subjects, which are one behind the another it could be a bird or it could be a tiger. When there are three subjects one behind another and you want to keep all three of them in focused you need to increase your F value. As you also know moment you increase your F value the diaphragm on the lenses going to get narrow down and the amount of light coming into a sensor is very less. So, to compensate that you need to pump up your ISO, not just that moment you pump up your ISO, the amount of noise is also going to increase. That’s why you try to take that shot in the least possible shutter speed. This is the scenario one.
- The scenario number two: if you want to increase the shutter speed, this is a very classic scenario of taking action. A bird which is in flight or it could be the same subject of tiger, but it is playing in water for example. In those cases you need to pump up your shutter speed to freeze that action. Moment to pump up your shutter speed what that means is: your shutter is going to close faster to capture that action moment. It is going to impact the amount of light coming into your sensor. You need to compensate that by increasing your ISO and not just that, you need to also reduce your F value such that you can get the maximum possible light to your sensor.
You could also face a scenario, where you should increase your shutter speed but you should also increase your F value. I’ll give you an example.The same three tigers we said that, they are one behind another they are not lying down but they’re walking towards you. In that case, a higher depth of field to keep all three of them in focus, not just that I need higher shutter speed to freeze that moment as well. In that instance you have no other option, you have to pump up the ISO and I’ve just shown two arrows that means you need to pump up the ISO even higher to compensate for the loss of light due to increase in shutter speed and increasing F value.
3. The last scenario is low-light situations: moment that is low light we will increase the ISO here there is one catch if you put all the burden on ISO and pump it up to a very high-level then it is going to induce lot of noise into your image. So, rather than pumping up the ISO all the way you should also share the burden by reducing your F value so that moment you reduce your F value that is when you shoot wide open, you get more light into a sensor not just that you need to try and reduce your shutter speed as well, such that the overall burden on ISO is lessor and you can take a much better image. These are some of the frequently used scenario, if you have a scenario drop that down in the comment section. I would be able to help you with the right settings.

Key take aways from this video lesson are number one:
- ISO shutter speed aperture are the three key levers in wildlife photography.
- Any change on any one of this lever will impact the other two.
- Understanding the levers and the impact on the others are very crucial.
- Right control of the three levers results in that perfect shot.
Questions on Wild Photography
Fine-tuning of the lever controls can be achieved through hands-on learning at field. If you have any questions feel free to write back to me on the comment section. I will be glad to answer them back for you and the next set of video lessons will be specifically on the Camera modes and the other lessons from the basics of wildlife photography.
I will with you soon with the next video lesson on the channel wild photography. Thank you so much.

Wild Photography
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