Baya weaver (Ploceus philippinus)
Commonly called as Weaver birds and Baya Weaver Nesting Behaviour is a real lovely wildlife moment. Baya Weavers are found across India in areas of cultivation. The reason for these birds to be near cultivation area is the need for the grains. They will raid these cultivated areas in groups (flocks) for grains.Baya birds are of the same size as house sparrows. Both male and female baya birds are of the same colour – pale pinkish. But during the breeding time, the male baya weaver birds have a bright yellow crown on the head.

Baya Weaver Portrait
Baya Weaver Nesting
One of the beautiful behaviour of these baya birds can be seen during nesting. Baya weavers nest as a colony.

Baya Weaver Bird Portrait
Male Baya Weaver Building the Nest:
During breeding season, Male Baya Weaver will get that Yellow Crown head and they will build the nest. The Baya Weaver nest is like a tunnel with a bulge at the top. The tunnel will face down for the entry and exit of the bird and the bulge is the place where the eggs will be laid. Mostly the nests will be above a water source or a well so that it will be difficult for any potential threat to access the nest. The Male Baya Weavers will also get into lot of crisis and fight with other males on hijack of their nests.

Baya Weaver in Flight to nest – Crisis with another Male Weaver
Cute Love Call by Male Baya Weaver:
As said, only the male will build the nest but it won’t complete the tunnel fully. At half built state, the Male Baya weaver will hang onto the edge of the nest and pedals the wings so fast. As a colony, when all the male Baya weavers are calling the potential mates (female) it will be a wild moment of rush and scream. I won’t call that as Noise, since that moment would be so cute.

Baya Weaver Nesting Behaviour – Calling Mate
Baya Weaver Swavayamvara – Female Baya Weaver selecting the Male
Like a Cherry on the Top, the most cute moment is when the female Baya Weaver arrives to inspect the nest. The female Baya Weaver will visit multiple nests and based on the Build quality, Location… the female baya will select her soul mate.

Female Baya Weaver bird visting Nest for Inspection
Once the pair is made, both the male and female baya weaver will complete the nest and start to build their family.
Hard Working Dad – Male Baya Weaver
Through out the breeding season, Male Baya Weaver will be working so hard right from building the nest and also by feeding the family.

Baya Weaver Nesting Behaviour – Baya Weaver Male getting Food
What a Cute Wildlife Moment, Isn’t it? I have been seeing and photographing this cute behaviour at multiple instances through out a year. Though the Every time I visit Baya Weavers, it is indeed a very happy, pleasant and fulfilling moment.

Baya Weaver Nesting Behaviour – Baya Weaver Male getting Food
You want to share anything related to Baya Weaver? You want to share some similar cute wildlife moment? Feel free to write on the comment section below.
About the Author:
Alvis Lazarus is a Wildlife Photographer from Nazareth. Top Shot Winner 2017 (National Geographic) and Your Photo Winner 2017 (BBC Wildlife). Alvis’s work is published in Nat Geo, BBC Wildlife and Conde Nast Traveller Magazines. See his work here: Instagram | Facebook | Website